
Showing posts from August, 2024 is now adaptive-emergent (part 3 of 3): software the way Nature intended

  Generated using  FLUX.1 [Schnell]  by black-forest-labs -  Part one of this series  looked at the history from 2015 to 2021;  -  Part two explained  why was given that name. - In the last part of this series, we look at what adaptive-emergent now represents, the meaning behind the brand, and the paths being pursued.  The Goals of adaptive-emergent adaptive-emergent now has a more focussed direction: Explore agents with minimal rules collectively creating emergent behaviour, mimicking patterns found in Nature Encoding this into  Holochain-based systems Using AI to assist in coding and debugging Describing how to do this with the possibility of a Holochain course for middle school students Let's touch on each of these goals. Goal 1: What is "adaptive"?  What is "emergent"? Defining these terms is worthy of 1 or 2 blog posts alone,  and the whole concept may be best expressed in a whitepaper, which will appear in the "... is now adaptive-emergent (part 2 of 3): what's in a name

In the previous blog post , we reviewed what was , from 2015 to 2024. In this article we explain why the brand has been updated to focus on applying natural designs to communication networks. What's in a Name? adappt's heritage is in its name: the "Dapp" part comes from the Ethereum term for " decentralised applications ". Note the dash in the letter "d" in the adappt logo: besides looking cool, the Đ is known as "eth" in Old English and Icelandic, so a Đapp could be pronounced "EthApp" (or at least that is the folklore .. I had to look that up).  The ladder was a stylised 'A'. If adappt had ever created its own cryptocurrency, this could have been its symbol. The "io" extension was fashionable in the late 2010s with  "input/output" associated with technology, even though the country code top level domain was created for specks of islands in the Indian Ocean. In 2024, ".io" is most... is now adaptive-emergent (part 1 of 3): history

This series of blog posts starts off a new direction for an organisation that went from a going concern to a passion project, and the realisation that the name outlived its purpose.   adappt's stylised "A" The Timeline adappt was formed in 2015, just after the launch of the cryptocurrency Ethereum (30-July-2015).  2015:  Three of us began investigating a business model for the custody of crypto funds using multisig . Years later, crypto has entered the mainstream. Coin owners are getting older, so there is still a case for safe custody of the keys and ensuring the investment lives on as part of an estate, but in 2015 it was all pretty Wild West. The people attracted to crypto were not necessarily above board. Ultimately two of us categorised this as unnecessary risk and bailed. 2017:  The inaugural APAC Blockchain conference was held in March 2017 in Sydney, and future industry heavyweights were there, including Joe Lubin from ConsenSys and an army of IB...